Night Time Skin Routine


Happy Friday! Does anyone love doing their night skincare routine as much as I do? I seriously can’t wait to take of my makeup at the end of the night and have a fresh clean face. It’s equivalent to taking off your bra kind of feeling! Am I right?

I included a guideline of the steps I follow in my nightly routine. I love using an oil-based cleanser first to help remove all of the makeup off my face and then I follow up with a treatment cleanser. I mix up my serums throughout the week and use a Retinol product 3 times per week. I like to add a treatment oil at the end of my routine.

1. Double Cleanse

2. Exfoliate (2-3 per week)

2. Toner

4. Serum

5. Moisturizer

6. Treatment Oil

I will be suggestions really great products throughout the week. Let me know if you have any questions!

Love and happiness,



Clean Your Makeup Brushes


Love your skin