Extrinsic aging


Here is a breakdown of the factors that affect extrinsic aging:

Sun Exposure – This is the number one factor in extrinsic aging.  Areas that are exposed start to undergo changes such as sun spots, wrinkles, and loss of elasticity. Also, atypical cells can start forming and progress to cancer. REMEMBER, sunscreen and limiting exposure to sun can keep your skin healthy and glowing.

Smoking – Cigarettes affect blood circulation and cause the skin to look greyish. Smokers use facial muscles which produce wrinkles around the mouth. The toxins also damage collagen and elastin which keep your skin firm and supple. Not to mention cigarettes cause cancer!

Drinking –  Affects Vitamin C levels which are responsible for prevent aging. Alcohol also affects  blood circulation and compromises the health of skin. Overall, excessive drinking makes your whole body feel horrible and cause dehydration.

Diet – Eating poorly can increase the stress hormone cortisol which causes the body to divert energy from the skin and can lead to wrinkles and damaged elastin. Dairy and sugar can lead to inflammation which can increase oil production and cause breakouts.

Exercise – Exercise improves circulation and can help deliver oxygen and nutrients to the skin. Regular workouts stimulate production of natural oils that helps keep your skin smooth and supple.

Love and happiness,



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